How LetsExchange Achieved a 10X Boost in Compliance Efficiency with AMLBot?


Launched in September 2021, LetsExchange is one of the fastest-growing crypto-exchange platforms in the European Union. It supports over 4,000 digital currencies—more than any other exchange on the market. LetsExchange is designed to deliver a seamless, secure, and fast user experience by offering deep liquidity, cross-chain swaps, and a wide array of crypto-to-crypto services.

For B2B clients, LetsExchange offers a comprehensive toolkit, including an API, customizable exchange widgets, white-label solutions, a branded Telegram bot, and many more. Their affiliate program has no earning caps, so partners can easily create additional revenue streams.
However, as LetsExchange expanded globally, it encountered challenges common to fast-growing exchanges. Ensuring compliance with international AML regulations, verifying a high volume of transactions quickly, and protecting users' funds as a non-custodial exchange became critical priorities. This is where AMLBot stepped in.
- Compliance with international AML regulations was challenging, given the platform's extensive user base and wide range of supported cryptocurrencies.
- Previous compliance service providers caused delays in fund verification, affecting the platform's overall performance.
- As a noncustodial exchange, ensuring the legality and security of users’ funds was critical, requiring rigorous transaction monitoring.
- AMLBot's KYT solution allowed LetsExchange to conduct comprehensive checks on every transaction while maintaining transaction speed.
- Real-time transaction monitoring and automated wallet screening strengthened the platform’s security, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.
- By eliminating delays and providing accurate results, LetsExchange saw more productivity, allowing them to scale their services without compromising compliance.
Results Achieved:
- More than 500,000+ checks were conducted last year, ensuring each transaction met strict AML standards.
- Thanks to AMLBot's reliable services, LetsExchange experienced zero issues with the stability or accuracy of results.
- Approximately 95% of transactions are thoroughly reviewed within three seconds, setting a new benchmark for efficient compliance.
- Thanks to rigorous security measures, LetsExchange users in 170+ countries are assured of the security of their assets.
By partnering with AMLBot, LetsExchange has not only enhanced its compliance processes but has also significantly improved its operational efficiency. The platform is now better equipped to handle its growing global user base, ensuring security and compliance at every step of the transaction process.
Here’s what LetsExchange had to say about their experience:
“Several essential factors directly affect our work: the stability of the service, the number of supported networks, and the accuracy of the results.
With AMLBot, we haven't encountered any issues with the stability or accuracy of the results. For LetsExchange, AMLBot is an example of a partner we can always rely on. We receive stable service and accurate results through a simple, user-friendly interface.”
— LetsExchange Team
